Birthday: 1980-12
Political landscape:No
Department: Russian
Degree: Doctor
Title:Associate professor
Master’s advisor
Bachelor(1997-2001),National Normal University of Barnaul
Master(2001-2004),National Normal University of Barnaul
Doctor(2008-2011),National University of Altai
2003.12 - 2006.9 National Normal University of Barnaul
Duty:Principal investigator of Modern Russian teaching and research office
2006.9 - 2007.12 National Normal University of Barnaul
Duty:Assistant of Modern Russian teaching and research office
2007.2 - 2007.9 Altai Academy of Arts and Culture
Duty:Teacher in office of literature, social psychology and pedagogy
2007.9 - 2008.12 Altai Academy of Arts and Culture
Duty:Head of teaching and research in office of literature, social psychology and pedagogy
2007.2 - 2007.6 National Normal University of Barnaul
Duty:Assistant of Modern Russian teaching and research office
2007.9 - 2009.6 National Normal University of Barnaul
Duty:Head of teaching and research in Modern Russian teaching and research office
RESEARCH DIRECTION:Russian literature
1.«Russianphonetics», required course, for1grade of Russian department
2.«Oral russian(1)»,required course, for1grade of Russian department
3.«Oral russian(2)»,required course, for2grade of Russian department
4.«Oral russian(3)»,required course, for2grade of Russian department
5.«Advanced spoken russian(1)»,required course, for3grade of Russian department
6.«Advanced spoken russian(2)»,required course, for3grade of Russian department
7.«Russianwriting(1)», required course, for2grade of Russian department
8.«Russianwriting(2)», required course, for2grade of Russian department
9.«Russianwriting(3)», required course, for3grade of Russian department
10.«Russianwriting(4)», required course, for3grade of Russian department
TAUGHT COURSES ( in Altai normal university in Russia)
1.«Basic of cultural infomation», required course, for 1 grade of Russian department
2.«Language literacy for pedagogue»,required course, for 1 grade of Russian department
3.«Orthography and punctuation)»,required course, for3grade of Russian department
4.«The use of information technology in the field of culture and education»,required course, for 2 grade of Russian department
5.«Orthography and punctuation for primary and secondary schools», required course, for3grade of Russian department
Polina Markina’s publishing consists of 93 papers onРИНЦ(russian national scientific research index), including 21 papers on BAK journals(russian core journal). Due to space constraints, here only list main papers for the last 5 years.
1.Regional characteristics in the whole creation of Anton Sorokin, The world of science, education and culture(BAK), 2017(5)
2.Grebenchikov’s Khanate Baterbiek: unique course of the writer about“the others”, The world of science, education and culture(BAK), 2017(2)
3.The character of Odessa text in Babel’s works, The world of science, education and culture(BAK), 2015(5)
4.Mythological poetics in Shishkov’s travel featureAlong the Chiuya highway, Anthology of Literature and modernism: the 19thinternational academic conference,2ndvolume, 2016
5.Mythological poetics and motives in Grebenchikov’sMy Siberia, Anthology: Geographical poetics in works by Siberal and Altay writers, Barnaul: Press of Altay national normal university, 2017
1.The literature in russian in marginal area of Russia and Khashakstan,RussianNational Social Science Foundation, General items,approved in 2016, finished
2.Training Course for 9-11 grades of russian subject of National Unified Test, Principal’s grant of Altay national normal university, 2017, finished