YU Xiaoli
A public figure without party affiliation
The Russian Department
doctoral degree
Academic records:
2000.9-2004.7 School of Foreign Languages, Beijing International Studies University Bachelor’s Degree, Russian
2004.9-2007.7 School of Foreign Languages, Beijing International Studies University, Master’s Degree, Russian language and literature
2011.9-2014.7School of Foreign Languages, Beijing International Studies University, Doctoral Degree, Russian language and literature
Research direction
Russian literature
Get the 2ndPrize in 2015-2016 Teaching Contest of Henan University;
Get the 2ndPrize in 2016-2017 Teaching Contest of Henan University;
Get the Special Prize in 2017-2018 Teaching Contest of Henan University
A.course teaching at present
1. Russian Intensive Reading(I),optional course, grade one of the
Russian postgraduates;
B.courses teaching in the past
1.Russian Interpretation,optional course, grade four of the Russian postgraduates;
2.Russian Intensive Reading(Ⅱ),optional course, grade one of the
Russian postgraduates;
3.Russian Intensive Reading(Ⅲ),optional course, grade two of the
Russian postgraduates;
Scientific research
D Papers
1.Unity of Marina Tsvetaeva's Poetic Word-An Analysis of Her Poems at the Levels of Theme, Language Form and Cultural Tradition,Russian Literature and Art,2018,03
2.Research on ARCS motivation training model in secondary school network foreign language teaching,Popular literature and art,2018,06
3.Confrontation between existence and life -- an analysis of the tragic love concept inTsvetaeva'slong poems,Mountain flower,2014,12
4.On the Image of the Author in Lermontovs A Hero of Our Time,Russian Literature and Art,2014,03
E Project
Network-based Foreign Language Teaching and Arcs Motivation Training Model in Foreign Language Teaching in Middle Schools: A Case Study of Henan Province(project approval number:2017-JSJYYB-006),Research project of teacher education curriculum reform in Henanof 2017,host,completed study.