YANG Jing, born in October 1984, French department, master degree, lecturer.
2001.9-2005.7 DalianUniversity ofForeign Languages,Bachelordegree,French Language and Culture
2006.9-2009.6 DalianUniversity ofForeign Languages,Masterdegree,French sociolinguistics
2007.9-2008.6 Montpellier III,French Teaching Methodology
Research direction: linguistics, French culture
1. "French Interpretation", professional compulsory, French major undergraduate,third grade
2. "Basic French 1", professional compulsory, French major undergraduate,first grade
3. "French Grammar", professional compulsory, French major undergraduate,second grade
4. "French Foreign Language", professional compulsory, English major,second, third,fourth grade
1. Sense of Honorof"Left" and "Right" in Sino-French Culture, Exam Weekly, 2012.03
2. "On French Political Euphemism", Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management (Social Science Edition), 2012.04
3. " Comparison of French and English Lexical Methods in the Teaching of French as a Foreign Language", Neijiang Science and Technology, 2012.05
4. "Feasibility Study of English as a Media Language in French Beginners", Exam Weekly, 2015.12
5. Chinese and Western Philosophical Thoughts in "Monk and Flying Fish", Homeof Drama, 2018.10
Research projects
1. "Research on the use of multimedia to improve the teaching of Russian interpreting", 2011 teaching reform projectofHenan University, participant, completed
2. "The Call of the Wild" and "Wolf Totem" from the Perspective of Environmental Ethics (2011JZ-790), Henan Provincial Department of Education, Participant, Completed
3. "Study on the Status Quo and Reform of the Second Foreign Language Teaching in Henan Colleges and Universitiesinthe Context of English-German Languages" (SKL-2011-1045), Research ProjectofSocial Science Association of Henan Province and Henan Provincial Economic and Technological Associationin 2012, Participant, Completed.
4. "Research on the Reform of English Majors' Intensive Grammar Teaching Based on Cognitive Grammar Theory" (SKL-2015-1237), Research ProjectofSocial Science Association of Henan Province and Henan Provincial Economic and Technological Association in 2016,Participant, Completed
5. "Appreciation oftelevisionizationofFrench Classical Literary Works", first prize of the Social Science Popularization Planning Project of Henan Provincein2017,Participant,Completed
Honors andRewards
1. 2013, outstanding teachers of Henan University
2. 2015, the second prize of Henan University’sTeaching Quality Competition
3. 2016, the second prize of Henan University’sTeaching Quality Competition
4. 2017, the second prize of Henan University’sTeaching Quality Competition
5. 2018, the second prize of Henan University’sTeaching Quality Competition