Personal information:
Name: LI Ning
Birth Date: 14, August, 1985
Department: French Department
Education: master
Professional Title: lecturer
Learning experience: 2002.9-2006.6 Qingdao University
2004.9-2005.6 ISUGA (in France)
2007.9-2009.6 Institut of international relations
Prize: Prize of Teaching Quality of Henan University, 2017
“Most popular teacher” of Institut of Foreign Languages of Henan University, 2019
Courses now:
Translation from French to Chinese, required course, third year of French
Senior French, required course, third year of French
Paper writing, optional course, forth year of French
French as second foreign language(two),required course, third year of English
French as second foreign language(four),required course, forth year of English
Courses before:
Basic French(one), required course, first year of French
Basic French(two), required course, first year of French
Basic French(three), required course, second year of French
Basic French(four), required course, second year of French
Translation from Chinese to French, required course, third year of French
French as second foreign language(one),required course, first year of English
French as second foreign language(three),required course, third year of English
Scientific research:
Translated works:
《Chinese law》, Wuzhouchuanbo Press, 2011,1
《Chinese clothes》, Wuzhouchuanbo Press, 2011,4
《Disease of the century in <Confession of a child of century>》, Academic Journal of Hunan
Scientific Institute, 2011,6
《History and development of French couture》, Academic Journal of Xinxiang Institute, 2011,6
《Teaching French as second foreign language from the perspective of comparative linguistics》,
Academic Journal of Xinxiang Institute, 2011,6
《Comparison of the destiny of Dushiniang and the lady of the Camellias》, Academic Journal
Of Chongqing Scientific Institute, 2011,6
《Analysis of French schools of literature》, Academic Journal of Chifeng, 2011,7
《Analysis of the phenomenon of cohabitation in France》, Academic Journal of Chongqing
Scientific Institute, 2012,5