ZHANG Yuhong (1972—),female, associate professor of English at College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, China, supervising M.A. theses on British and American literature. She received her B.A. in 1993 in Henan University; M. A. in 1996 in Henan University; Ph. D. in 2008 in Shanghai International Studies University. Assistant lecturer of College of Foreign Languages, Henan University from 1996 to 1999; lecturer of College of Foreign Languages from 1999—2010; associate professor of College of Foreign Languages, Henan University since October, 2010.
Courses:Advanced English; British and American Drama; Advanced C-E Translation
1.On the Folkloric Representations in Zora Neale Hurston’s Novels.Kaifeng: Henan University Press, 2010.
2.Hurston’s Folklore Novels. Beijing: Sciences Press, 2015.
Selected Essays:
1.“An Analysis of Cultural Relativism in Hurston’s Novels”.Journal of Henan Normal University.2009(4).
2.“Survival Strategy: An Interpretation of the Folkloric Representations in Hurston’s Novels”.Journal of Henan University. 2010(2).
3.“Reconstructing Black Cultural Identity: A Study of Hurston’s Novels from the Perspective of Folklore”.Collected Essays on British and American Literature.2010.
4.“Discipline and Anti-discipline: A Foucauldian Reading ofTheir Eyes Were Watching God”.Translation. 2013(3).
5.“Seeking the True Meaning of Life: An Eco-critical Approach to Sackville-West’sNo Signposts in the Sea”. Mountain Flowers. 2012(6).
6.“The Modernistic Features of T. S. Eliot’sThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”.The Writer. 2012(10).
7.“Multiple Point of View as a Deconstructing Strategy: A Post-structural Perspective onLord Jim”. Overseas English. 2011(10).
8.“A Psychoanalytical Reading of Eugene O’Neill’s Desire Tragedies”.Journal of Sichuan Foreign Studies Institute. 2004.
9.“The Trajectory of the Growth of Contemporary Black Women: An Analysis of Celie inThe Color Purple”.Journal of Anyang Normal University.2004(1).
10.“The Absurd Features of Edward Albee’sThe Zoo Story”.Journal of Anyang Normal University. 2005(6).
11.“An Analysis of Misogyny in Eugene O’Neill’s Plays”.Journal of Zhoukou Normal University. 2007(5).