I. Personal Information
Ma Yingcong, born in September 1985, is a member of the Communist Party, and a member in the Teaching Branch of Graduate English for Non-English Majors. She is a Ph.D. Degree holder, a lecturer and a supervisor for MA candidates.
She got her BA degree of English from Gansu Agricultural University in June, 2005, her MA degree from Sichuan International Studies University in June, 2011, and her Ph.D. degree from Henan University in June, 2014. She has been teaching in School of Foreign Languages, Henan University since 2014.
Research Interests: Cognitive Linguistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Language teaching, Linguistic Philosophy.
II. Teaching Work
Courses being taught
1.Introduction to English Linguistics, a compulsory degree for English majors of BA candidates;
2.Graduate English: Reading and Writing, a compulsory degree for non-English majors of MA candidates.
3.Graduate English: Listening and Speaking, a compulsory degree for non-English majors of MA candidates.
III. Research Work
A. Major Monograph
The Cognitive Linguistic Approach to the English Impersonal Constructions, Beijing Science Press, 2017.
B. Major Journal Articles
1. Review ofImpersonal Constructions: A Cross-linguistics Perspective,Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 02, 2013.
2. An integrated lexicalization model approach to English spatial motion verbs,Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal,03, 2013.
3. Review ofNew Directions of Cognitive Linguistics,Foreign Language and Literature, 01. 2011.
4. An integrated conceptual framework approach to English spatial motion verbs,Foreign Studies, 02, 2013.
5. New tendencies in cognitive linguistics: Comment onCognitive Linguistics: Convergence and Expansion,Language Education, 02, 2014.
6. An empirical research of reliability and validity of college English term examination,Journal of Southwest Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), 02. 2010.
7. Introduction and comment on classical theories of cognitive linguistic enterprise,Journal of Chengdu Normal University, 06, 2014.
8. Investigation on retrospect and prospect of cognitive linguistics: Based on the analysis ofCognitive Linguistics(2009),Journal of Sichuan College of Education, 11. 2012.
9. The cognitive approach to the semantic network of “Lai”,Journal of Sichuan College of Education, 12. 2011.
10. On the studies of English present perfect progressive construction,Journal of Chengdu Normal University, 01, 2013.
11. Comment on the embodiment view of Xunzi,Journal of Changjiang Normal University, 03. 2010.
12. The retrospect and investigation on “Middle Voice Construction”,Journal of Sichuan College of Education, 01. 2011.
13. The cognitive mechanism of the Mandarin Chinese lexical semantic extension,Journal of Zhongzhou University, 05. 2019.
14. A conceptual metaphor and metonymy approach to Chinese idioms: A case study of Chinese four-syllabic idioms with location words “Shang” and “Xia”,Language Education, 04, 2019.
C. Research Programs
1.A Constructional Approach to English Present Perfect Progressive Construction(SKL20151491),A Research Topic of Henan Social Sciences Federation and Henan Economic League Federation, program principal, finished.
2.The application of cohesion and coherence to MA candidates of non English majors in Henan province(2018JKGHYB0018), General Project of Education and Sciences Research of Henan Education Department, program principal, in Research
3.On the interaction of language and culture model in the novel of “Sheng Ming Ce” from the perspective of cognitive social linguistics(2019ZDJH613), General Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of Henan Education Department, program principal, in Research.
4.A cognitive linguistic approach to special relation constructions(10BYY001), National Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Subject, program participant, finished.
5.A corpus-based cognitive linguistic approach to the impersonal constructions(16BYY180), National Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Subject, program participant, in Research.
6.A cognitive linguistic approach to metaphorical special relation constructions(16BYY005), National Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Subject, program participant, in Research.
7.On the fictive motion construction and its meaning(2014CYY030), General Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research of Henan Province, program participant, finished.
8.A GbF model approach to the Chinese idioms(2018M19), General Project of Social Sciences Research of Shan’xi Province, program participant, in Research.