Personal Information:
Wang Zhaoyan, born in June 1981, is a member of the Communist Party, and a member in the Teaching Branch of Graduate English for Non-English Majors. She is a Ph.D. Degree holder, a lecturer and a supervisor for MA candidates.
She got her BA degree from Henan Normal University in June, 2002, her MA degree from Zhejiang University in March, 2005, and her Ph.D. degree from Beijing Normal University in June, 2016. She has been teaching in School of Foreign Languages, Henan University since 2005.
Research interests: Anglo-American Poetry and Anglo-American Culture
Teaching work:
A. Courses being taught
Graduate English: Listening and Speaking, a compulsory degree for non-English majors
B. Courses once taught
1.Major English-speaking Countries: A Survey, a selective course for second-year English Majors
2.Introduction to European and American Culture, a selective course for third-year English Majors
3.Appreciation of English Poetry, a selective course for fourth-year English Majors
Research work:
A.Translation works
The Adventures of Pinocchio, Shaanxi People's Publishing House, 2004
B. Journal/Collection Articles
1. A Brief Analysis of Joyce’s Mental Image and Epiphany in “The Dead”,Journal of Mudanjiang University, 12, 2007
2. John Donne: A Dubious Soul Wandering between Religion and Science—A Perspective from Holy Sonnets,Time Literature(Second Half of the Month), 03, 2011
3. A Practical Probe into the Teaching of “A General Survey of UK and USA” Based on Schema Theory,Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition), 05, 2011
4. A Comparative Study of Keats’s Negative Capability and Eliot’s Impersonality.Author, 16, 2011
5. Consumption and Construction: A Brief Analysis of the Egyptian Culture in Keats’s the Hyperions,Journal of Changchun University of Technology(Social Science Edition), 02, 2014
6.A Multi-dimensional Painting of the Fusion of Time and Space—AnInterpretationof Keats’s“To Autumn” and Nicolas Poussin’s “Four Seasons”,Modern Chinese(Academic Version), 2014.03
7. Oriental or Occidental? Egyptian Images in Keats’s Hyperion,Touching the Reality: New Development in the Research of English Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2016, 76-89.
C. Research programs
1. "Chameleon Poets" and "Poet having no identity": A Comparison of Keats’s and Eliot’s Poetics Thoughts, A Research Topic of Henan Social Sciences Federation and Henan Economic League Federation, program principal, finished
2. Ekphrasis of Sense and Sensibility: A Research on Keats’s Sonnet, Henan University’s Research Foundation Project of 2013 (2012YBRW018), program principal, in Research
3. Research on Literary Ethics Criticism in the Context of Post-modernism. Henan University’s Research Foundation Project for 2012 (2011 YBRW020), program participant, finished
4. A Research on American Literary Works about the Catastrophe of September 11, General Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of Henan Education Department (2013-GH-412), program participant, finished
5. Research on the Development of English Majors in Rural Primary Schools in Henan Province, Henan Science and Technology Development Plan Project (142400410328), program participant, finished