Kevin Alexander Morrison, Ph. D Supervisor, was born in June 1976, and is A Third-TierDistinguished Professor of the School of Foreign Languages in Henan University. Also the affiliated faculty member: Center for European Studies, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
2009PhDRice University Department of English
2003AMUniversity of Chicago
1998BAHampshire College
Victorian liberalism
Interdisciplinary history of Victorian Britain
Material culture studies
Gender studies
Urban studies
Victorian and Edwardian popular fiction
Graduate proseminars
Methods and Issues in Victorian Studies (spring 2012)
Victorian Studies and After (spring 2010)
Graduate seminars
Victorian Politics and Literature (fall 2015)
Victorian Slums and their Saviors (fall 2014)
Victorian Sartorial Cultures (spring 2011)
Upper-division English and Textual Studies courses
Nation and Empire before 1900: Nineteenth-Century London & Paris (fall 2017)
Victorian Domesticity (spring 2017)
Victorian Affections and Disaffections (spring 2015)
The Victorian Age, 1837-1901 (spring 2015, fall 2014)
Literary Urban Studies (fall 2015, spring 2014, spring 2012, spring 2011)
Victorian Social Fiction (fall 2013)
Multi-Plot Victorian Novel (fall 2012, spring 2010)
Modern Cultures of Consumption (fall 2010 )
Middlemarch(Maymester 2010)
Victorian Poetry of Love and Desire (Maymester 2016, Maymester 2015, fall 2009)
Outcast London (fall 2016)
Upper-division English and Textual Studies/Women’s and Gender Studies courses
The Victorian Family and Its Others (fall 2016, spring 2015, spring 2014, spring 2013, fall 2010)
The Victorian “Woman Question” (spring 2013)
Undergraduate and graduate study abroad courses at Syracuse University’s London center
Jack the Ripper and His Legacy (summer 2017)
Nineteenth-Century Urban Cultures (summer 2015, summer 2014)
Nineteenth-Century Fashion Cultures (summer 2013)
Victorian Slums and Slumming (summer 2012, summer 2011)
English and Textual Studies lecture courses (with TA supervision)
Interpretation of Fiction (spring 2017, spring 2018)
Survey of British Literature since 1789 (fall 2012)
Lower-division English and Textual Studies courses
Modern European Literatures in Englis (fall 2017)
Global Literatures in English since 1890 (fall 2009)
Literature and the Urban Experience (spring 2016)
Scientific Research
1.Study Abroad Pedagogy, Dark Tourism, and Historical Reenactment: In the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper and His Victims. Palgrave. 2019
2.A Micro-history of Victorian Liberal Parenting:John Morley’s “Discrete Indifference.”Palgrave Pivot, 2018.
3.Victorian Liberalism and Material Culture: Synergies of Thought and Place. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
Edited Collections
1.Walter Besant: The Business of Literature and the Pleasures of Reform. Ed. Kevin A. Morrison. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019.
2.The Silence of Dean Maitland. By Maxwell Gray. Ed. Kevin A. Morrison. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019.
3.Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Ed. Kevin A. Morrison. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2018.
4.Victorian Poverty and Philanthropy: Reading London’s East End. Ed. Kevin A. Morrison. San Diego: Cognella, 2017.
5.Affections and Domesticities: Writings on Victorian Family Life. Ed.
Kevin A. Morrison. San Diego: Cognella, 2016.
1. “‘Armed Thinker,’ ‘Militant Stoic’: John Morley through French Eyes.”Nineteenth-Century Prose. 45:1: 65-92, 2018. [A&HCI]
2. “Christina Rossetti, George Herbert, and the Uses of Devotional Wit”.Notes and Reviews, 31. 2: 88-92, 2018. [A&HCI]
3. “Modulating Narrative Voice: Mary Russell Mitford’s Sketches of Rural Character.”Women’s Writing. 22:4: 505-524, 2015.
4. “Dr. Locock and His Quack: Professionalizing Medicine, Textualizing Identity in the 1840s.”Victorian Medicine and Popular Culture. 9-26, 2015.
5. “Cultural Embeddedness, Gendered Exclusions: The Symbolic Landscapes ofMiddlemarch.”Victorians Institute Journal39: 317-35, 2011.
6. “Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Dog Days.”Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature30.1: 93-115, 2011.[A&HCI]
7. “Christina Rossetti’s Secrets.”Philological Quarterly90:1: 97-116, 2011. [A&HCI]
8. “‘Whose Injury is Like Mine?’: Emily Brontë, George Eliot, and the Sincere Postures of Suffering Men.”NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction43.2: 271-93, 2010. [A&HCI]
9. “There is No Place Like Home: Margaret Thatcher at Number 10 Downing Street.”Thatcher and After: Margaret Thatcher and Her Afterlife in Contemporary Culture. Ed. Louisa Hadley and Elizabeth Ho. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 115-33, 2010.
10. “Embodiment and Modernity: Ruskin, Stephen, Merleau-Ponty, and the Alps.”Comparative Literature Studies46.3: 498-511, 2009.[A&HCI]
11. “Myth, Remembrance, and Modernity: From Ruskin to Benjamin via Proust.”Comparative Literature60.2: 125-41, 2008.[A&HCI]
12. “Foregrounding Nationalism: Mary Russell Mitford’sOur Villageand the Effects of Publication Context.”European Romantic Review19.3: 275-87, 2008.[ESCI]
13. “‘The Mother Tongue of Our Imagination’: George Eliot, Landscape-Shaped Subjectivity, and the Possibility of Social Inclusion.”Victorian Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Victorian Studies34.1: 83-100, 2008. [ESCI]
14. “Spending a Penny at Rothesay; Or, How One Lavatory Became a Gentleman’s Loo.”Victorian Literature and Culture36.1: 79-94, 2008.[A&HCI]
15. “The Politics of Pain in Charlotte Brontë’sShirley.”Nineteenth Century Studies21: 19-32, 2007.
16. “Satirical Irony in Art Spiegelman’sMaus: A Survivor’s Tale.”Popular Culture Review16.2: 59-68, 2005.
1. Governor Thomas Gordon McLeod and First Lady Elizabeth Alford McLeod Research Fellowship at the South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina forThe People’s Palace Moment: A Cultural History of a Transnational Institution, 1882–1913.
2.2018 Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society (forThe People’s Palace Moment: A Cultural History of a Transnational Institution, 1882–1913)
3.2017 Maurice A. Biot and Archives Funds, Caltech Archives (forAthenaeums: Scientific Camaraderie, Communion, and Transatlantic Relations, 1824–1930)
4.2017 New York Public Library Short Term Fellowship (forAthenaeums: Scientific Camaraderie, Communion, and Transatlantic Relations, 1824–1930)
5.2015 Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society (forAthenaeums: Scientific Camaraderie, Communion, and Transatlantic Relations, 1824–1930)
6.2011 Visiting Scholars Fellowship, Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University (forVictorian Liberalism and Material Culture: Synergies of Thought and Place)
Syracuse University
2016 Meredith Teaching Recognition Award
2010 Tolley Junior Faculty Summer Stipend
Rice University
2009 Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Travel Award
2008 Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Travel Award
2008 Margaret C. Ostrum Summer Research Grant
2007 Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Travel Award
2007 Shirley Bard Rapoport Graduate Essay Prize
2007 Caroline S. and David L. Minter Summer Research Grant
2007-2008 Dunlevie Teaching Grant
2007-2008 Diana P. Hobby Editorial Fellowship,SEL Studies in English Literature
2005–2006 Diana P. Hobby Editorial Fellowship,SEL Studies in English Literature
2004-2005 Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Fellowship
University of Chicago
2002-2003 Merit-based tuition award (highest offered to terminal MA students)
Hampshire College
1998 Threshold Grant awarded to outstanding thesis