Javier Pérez-Guerra holds an MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Santiago de Compostela (1990). In 1999 he completed his PhD in English linguistics with a dissertation, supervised by Teresa Fanego, on thematic variation in English. In January 2001 he obtained a position as tenured Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) and in December 2017 became Professor at theUniversity of Vigo, where he coordinates the research groupLanguage Variation and Textual Categorisation.
Javier was the supervisor of the PhD dissertations.He is also heavily involved in journal editing: current review editor of Folia Linguistica, between 2005 and 2008 co-editor ofSEDERI(Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies), and editor ofResearch in Corpus Linguistics(RiCL). Over the years he has held visiting positions at the Universities of Manchester, London, Edinburgh, Oxford, Helsinki, MIT, Princeton, Cornell, California at Santa Barbara, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Georgia, Liverpool, Wolverhampton, Cambridge, Kent, Wisconsin-Madison and Lancaster.
·(2019). "Writing history in Late Modern English: explorations of the Coruña Corpus – A preface". InWriting History in Late Modern English. Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, ed. by Isabel Moskowich, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo and Leida Maria Monaco. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-3. ISBN 9789027204240.
·(2018). "Ordering Dependents in Learner and Native Language: Syntax, Information and Processing at Stake". InBroadening Horizons: A Peak Panorama of English Studies in Spain, ed. by María Beatriz Hernández Pérez, Manuel Brito and Tomás Monterrey. La Laguna: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de La Laguna, 265-275. ISBN 978-84-15939-66-5.
·(2018). "Text types, audience and thematic organisation in the recent history of English". InThe grammar of genres and styles. From discrete to non-discrete units, ed. by Dominique Legallois, Thierry Charnois and Meri Lerjavaara. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 14-38. DOI 10.1515/9783110595864-002 [second author, with Ana Elina Martínez-Insua]
·(2018). "An empirical study on word order in predicates: on syntax, processing and information in native and learner English".Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas13: 99-118. DOIhttps://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2018.9075.
·(2018) "Object-Verb word order in the history of English (or when performance word order affects)". InTaking stock to look ahead: celebrating forty years of English studies in Spain, ed. by María Ferrández San Miguel and Claus-Peter Neumann. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 225-234. ISBN978-84-16723-51-5.
·(2016). "Support strategies in language variation and change".English Language and Linguistics20/3: 383-393. DOI 10.1017/S1360674316000289. [second author, with Britta Mondorf]
·(2016). "Towards a unified constructional characterisation of the nonfinite periphery. On verbal free adjuncts and absolutes in English". InOutside the clause. Form and function of extra-clausal constituents, ed. by Gunther Kaltenböck, Evelien Keizer and Arne Lohmann. Amsterdam: John Benjamis, 177-202. DOI 10.1075/slcs.178.07bou. [second author, with Carla Bouzada Jabois]
·(2016). "Fusing nonfinite peripheral constructions constructively: on absolutes and free adjuncts in the recent history of English". InOn the move: glancing backwards to build a future in English studies. Desuto: Universidad de Deusto, Servicio de Publicaciones, 191-199. ISBN 978-84-15759-87-4. [second author, with Carla Bouzada Jabois]
·(2016). "Word order is in order here: a diachronic register analysis of syntactic markedness in English". InVariational text linguistics. Revisiting register in English, ed. by Christoph Schubert and Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 307-336. ISBN 978-3-11-044310-3.
·(2016). "Do you investigate word order in detail or do you investigate in detail word order? On word order and headedness in the recent history of English".Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory12/1: 103-128. DOI: 10.1515/cllt-2015-0063.
·(2015) "A corpus-based account of the placement of dependents in phrasal categories: on syntax and performance in English".Linguistic Research32/3: 503-532. DOI: 10.17250/khisli.32.3.201512.001
·(2014). "On the interplay between information structure and syntax in the history of English: an experiment with automatic co-reference resolution". InEns queda la paraula. estudis de lingüística aplicada en honor a M. Teresa Turell, ed. by Raquel Casesnoves, Montserrat Forcadell and Núria Gavaldà. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada), 105-123.
·(2013). "A dimensional characterisation of word order in Modern English Genres".Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences95: 382-390 [second author, with Ana Elina Martínez-Insua].
·(2012). “A corpus-based analysis ofit-clefts in the recent history of English: what is't you lack?” InCreation and use of historical English corpora in Spain, ed. by Nila Vázquez. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 379-403.
·(2011). “The role of the English language in the post-Bologna Spanish universities”.Revista de Educación(Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte) 362, doi: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2011-362-154 [with Ana Halbach & Alberto Lázaro Lafuente].
·(2011). "Heterogeneidad y contradicciones en los procesos de verificación del nivel de inglés de las universidades españolas". InA view from the South: Contemporary English and American studies, ed. by José R. Ibáñez Ibáñez & José Francisco Fernández Sánchez.Almería: Editorial Universidad de Almería, 236-244 [joint chapter with Ana Halbach & Alberto Lázaro Lafuente].
·(2010) "Do some genres or text types become more complex than others?". InSyntactic variation and genre, ed. by Heidrun Dorgeloh & Anja Wanner. (Topics in English Linguistics 70). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 111-140 [joint chapter with Ana E. Martínez-Insua].
·(2009). “Nonfinite syntactic alternation governed bywantin Contemporary English”. InNew perspectives on English studies, ed. by Marián Amengual, María Juan & Joana Salazar. Palma: Edicions UIB, pp.49