Political landscape: No
Title:Associate professor
Master’s advisor
Bachelor(1988-1993) National Normal institute of Barnaul( Now is National Normal university of Altay
Master(1993-1994) National Normal institute of Barnaul
Doctor(1994-1998) National Normal institute of Barnaul
In 1999 passed Doctoral dissertation defense in National University of Altay, theme: The culturing of human’s ability in social education
In 2000 assessed Title Associate professor
Working experience:
From 1995: National Normal University of Altay, Philosophical and cultural office, associate professor
From 2014: National Normal University of Altay, Associate Dean of Philological Department
Research direction:
Social philosophy,philosophy history
1.《Philosophy(1)》,required course,for 1 grade of Philological Department
2.《Philosophy(2)》,required course,for 1 grade of Philological Department
3.《Chinese culture》,required course,for 2 grade of Philological Department
4.《History of science and education》,required course,for 2 grade of master in Historical Department
5.《Researching methodology and method》,required course,for 2 grade of master in Philological Department
6.《Work ethic》,required course,for 3 grade of Historical Department
7.《Modern natural cognitive concept》,required course,for 1 grade of Psychological and Educational Department
(1)《Historical research of Pushkin》,Literature and text,1999(5),90-92,Alone
(2)《Cultural and formal method of Historical process analyse》,Education and science face to the Third thousand years (Anthology),Barnaul, 2000, 39-43,Alone
(3)《The structure of abilities and its development in social educational behavior》,ACTA of Meltopol National Normal University, 2015, V.5, Phase 1, 113-121, Alone
(4)《The problem of ability in the context of worldview system》,The formation of worldview system of modern human:Conference Anthology, Barnaul, 2017, 31-33, Alone
(5)《The problem of human freedom in Libet’s experimental context》,Manuscript,2018(8),82-85,Second author
(6)《The problem of educational philosophy and metalinguistics》,The world of science, education, culture,2018(2),198-200,Second author
(7)《The being boundaries as the boundaries of human ability》,Human: being boundaries, Antology of International scientific-practical conference,Barnaul,2018,62-66,Alone
(8)《The ability of human being in 21 century》,The philosophical and educational problem of Modern education,Barnaul,2019,126-131,Alone
(1)《The relationshipofinherition and social aspects in the development ofindividual
(2)《The social philosophy of human development》,Barnaul,2001,148,Alone
(3)《History of Science: Course materials》,Barnaul,2003,118 p,Alone
(4)《Philosophy》(Teaching materials),Moscow,2014,400 p,First author
(5)《World religion and Sacred text》,Barnaul, 2017, 118 p, First author