MalvinaAimé, February 1995, French, French teaching and Research Office, postgraduate, foreign teacher.
Learning experience:
2013.09-2016.06 University of La Rochelle, France
2016.09-2018.06 University of PaulValerie, France
A.Courses being taught
French listening (1), major required, first year of French major
French listening (3), major required, sophomore year of French major
French Conversation (2), major required, sophomore year of French major
French writing (1), major required, sophomore year of French major
French Conversation (4), major required, junior year of French major
French Audio Visual oral (1), major elective, junior year of French major
French writing (3) major is required, junior year of French major
Business French, major elective, junior year of French major
Introduction to French Linguistics, compulsory major, fourth year of French major
B. courses taught
French listening (2), major required, first year of French major
French Conversation (I), major required, first year of French major
French listening (4), major required, sophomore year of French major
French Conversation (3), major required, sophomore year of French major
French writing (2), major required, sophomore year of French major
Speech and debate in French, major elective, sophomore year of French major
Tourism French, major elective, sophomore year of French major
French Audio Visual oral (2) major elective, junior year of French major
French writing (4) major elective, junior year of French major