On the morning of December 1, the School of Foreign Language held a seminar on “New International Hotpots for British and American LiteratureResearchand Post-Doctoral Research Capacity Enhancement”. The presenter Professor Kevin A. Morrison is a doctoral tutor at Syracuse University and a visiting scholar at the National University of Singapore. The moderator is Professor Yang Chaojun, Dean of the School of Foreign Language.The commentator is Professor Gao Jihai. Also present were Han Fule, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Division of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Neeltje Rohlfes, a foreign teacher at Henan University, and teachers, doctoral students and graduate students from the School of Foreign Language.
The seminar is divided into two parts: the issue concerned English and American literature major and the issue of writing and publication of academic papers.
The first part mainly discussedthe similarities,differences, academic research methods and focus of doctoral degrees in English and American literature betweenChinese and Western countries. Among them, Professor Yang Chaojun and Professor Morrison discussed the practical help of the mentor and the first reader in the process of completing the thesis by the author, and concluded that the roles played by the two are irreplaceable, and themagnitudeof the action depends on the actual situation.Professor Gao Jihai and Professor Morrison discussed the development of cultural materialism, pointing out that it rose in the 20th century, first used in anthropological research, and later used in literary theory and cultural studies.Although influenced by Marxism, it has its own unique connotation.In addition, Professor Morrison used the views of the famous literary critic Mathew Arnold and his own research on Victorian literature to clarify this discussion.
The second part focusedon the considerations for the publication of thesis.Among them,Professor Fu Jiangtaoand Professor Morrison discussed the proofreading and retouching issues. They believed that the author should pay attention to the layout of the article (putting the arguments in a clear position),avoiding spelling and other mistakes, sticking to their correct views, and eliminating ghostwriting.Foreign language teacher Neeltje Rohlfes and Professor Morrison discussed the similarities and differences between European and American papers, and believed that a good paper has three characteristics: unique arguments, clear andpowerful argumentsandreasonableconnections.What's more, Professor Morrison said that the papers should be fully utilized.When the papers be submitted,it should be noted that the topic and research methodsshould be consistent with the requirements of the magazine, so as to improve the success rate of submission.
This seminar provideda good academic exchange platform for teachers and students,and gavepractical suggestions for the research direction selection and paper writing of the participating teachers and students.(author:Wang Yige)