At2:30p.m. onApril 17, 2018, an excellent academic lectureentitledMisunderstandings in theDifferences and Similaritiesbetween Chinese and EnglishWordswas heldatSchool of Foreign Languages. It was delivered byPeng Zerun,professor of linguistics and doctoral supervisor atHunan Normal University.Professor Pengisalso avice president of the Chinese Language Modernization Society andPresident of the Linguistic Theory Branch.Alot of postgraduates,doctoral students and teachers attendedthe lecturewithgreatenthusiasm.
At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Peng introduced the definitionsand differencesof "characters" and "vocabulary" in different languages.Then, he pointed out that the smallest freelinear unit of freedom in both Chinese and English is grapheme that has similar nature between them.In the following time, Professor Peng used vivid empiricaldatatoilluminatethe functional types, writing types, common characters of Chinese charactersin great detail. What’s more, heencouraged students to becriticaland toseek truth from factsin academicresearch.Finally,hecalledon optimizingthe efficiency of the use of Chinese characters,promoting theuseconsciousness of Chinesecharacters, clarifying misconceptionsto carry forward Chineseideograph.
The impassioned lecture and humorous languageofProfessor Pengdrewloudapplause from the students and teachers. This eye-opening speechalsohas inspiredallattendees greatly and made them think about innovative ideas.(author: Xia Jie)