Inthe afternoon of April 22, 2019,Professor Huang Youyi delivereda lecture entitledNewChallengesand AchievementsofTranslation in theNewEraat School of Foreign Languages. ProfessorHuangYouyi istheexecutivevice President of Translators Association of China, vice PresidentofChinaAcademy ofTranslation, chairman ofChina National Committee for Translation and Interpreting Educationand editor-in-chief ofChinese Translators Journal. The lecture was presided byProfessorLiuZequan of theForeignLanguageInstitute.Besides, teachers, doctoral students and postgraduates attended the lecture.
Based on his own experience, Professor Huang first shared some typical examples during the translation practice and showed the value of the translator. He pointed out that with the development of the times and the rise of China’s international status, translation practices in the new era are no longer just academic activities, but an important medium to establish the Chinese international discourse system, which will help China to lead the global governance. Especially against the background of the Belt and Road Initiative, the importance of translation is self-evident. Subsequently, professor Huang showed potential career choices for translation major graduates at present, and believed that the realization of the value of translators cannot be achieved without the opportunities brought by their jobs. In order to meet the requirements of the translation in the new era, translation-majored students should study hard to lay a good foundation, to achieve three requirements, namely to solve language problems, pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge and improve the awareness of external communication. At the end of the lecture, professor Huang answered the questions raised by teachers and students in detail and made an in-depth discussion.
A symposium on MTI education was held immediately after the lecture. At the meeting, professor Huang answered the questions raised by teachers and students about the current development issues of MTI in universities, and shared his views on the topics of MTI teaching and practice. At the same time, he introduced various methods of learning translation for students, and encouraged them to practice more. At the end of the symposium, Professor Huang summarized the characteristics of translation in the new era of China as“from translating the world to translating China".
Both of the lecture and the symposium are of great significance, for they demonstrate the characteristics and requirements of translation in the new era for teachers and students, and provide new ideas and new methods for translation practice and research. All of the teachers and students attended have profited a lot from it. (author: Wang Yige)