At19:30,May 29,School of Foreign Languageshelda lectureentitled“Sociocogitive Linguistics Based on Social Cognition”byProfessor Wen Xu, secretary ofpartycommitteeofcollege of international studiesof Southwest University. ProfessorWenwas visiting scholar touniversities such as the University of Illinoisand the University of California, Berkeley, and published more than 140 papers in important academic journals at home and abroad. The lecture waspresided overby Professor Zhang Keding;what’s more,graduate students and teachers fromSchool of Foreign Languagesparticipated in the activity.At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Wen explained the concept of cognitive linguistics and clarified the main topics as well as core views of cognitive linguistics. In addition, he noted that “social turn” is inevitable for thedevelopmentof Cognitive Linguistics, which has given rise to Cognitive Sociolinguistics and Sociocognitive Linguistics. Cognitive Sociolinguistics, the combination of Cognitive Linguistics and Sociolinguistics, is committed to such macro-linguistic issues as social variations, while Sociocognitive Linguistics, the combination of Cognitive Linguistics and social cognition theory, is primarily concerned with how representation of knowledge of language, language acquisition, language use, language change or evolution. After a comprehensive introduction tothe nature and major topics of Sociocognitive Linguistics,Professor Wen explained a series of research processes of Sociocognitive Linguistics to the students with vivid examples. Finally, Professor Wen said that Sociocognitive Linguistics, based on "social cognition",offers new perspectives for thedevelopment of Cognitive Linguistics.
This lecture was novel and unique,providinga new perspective for teachers and students to study Sociocognitive Linguistics and won the high praise from allthe audience.(author:Xia Jie)