On the morning of June 20, the final session and closing ceremony of theinternational seminar on “Culture and Literature”from July 15thto 20thviaVoov Meetingplatformwere heldsuccessfully.
The 6thpresentation is the introduction to the ways created by filmmakers, artists and activists to bring the crisis like global warming, climate breakdown and colonization of nature to the public’s attention through contemporary art, photography, and film using science fiction, comedy and tragedy. Over 260 attendees including teachers and postgraduates from the SFL and other universities joined in it.
After the presentation,Fu Jiangtao,Vice-Deanof the SFL, made closing remarks on behalf of the school andexpressed sincere gratitude tothe commentators, the hosts andespeciallythe keynote speakers.
The topics of such a Cloud academic feastlasting for 6 daysvaryfromculture-oriented ones of“Locating Glamor in a Global World”, “Cigarettes as an Icon of Modernity”,and“Contemporary Cultures of Bullying and Intimidation”to literature-oriented ones of“Art of the Polar Regions in the Time of Climate Change”, “Writers and Filmmakers Turn to Science Fiction to Write a Message about our World”,and“Film and Indigenous Perspective on the Environment”. Thanks toProfessor Reid and Professor Bloom,the attendeesrealized that they shouldnotconfinethemselvesto the traditional research way ofclose-readingbutdelve into realistic and social issues reflected by literature includingthefuture of humanity,the earth, and environment.
This seminar hasfurtherstrengthened international academic exchangesandcooperationwith world-renowned universities, broadenedthe faculty’sresearchhorizonas well as enlightened students on the relationship between culture and literature.It is learned from the leadersoftheSFL thatmore cooperation projects willestablished forproviding students and teachers with better academic atmosphereand making contribution to the goal of building world-class discipline.
(Author: Ding Lan,Jiang Shu)