On November 22, 2021,Zoltán Kövecses,Professor Emeritus in the Department of American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE),delivered his first lecture to the teachers and students of School of Foreign Languages viaZoomandTencent Meeting at 11a.m.He is scheduled to give five lectures aboutExtending Extended CMTfrom November 22 to November 26, 2021. The last lectureentitledAnger in American English 40 Years Laterwas hosted by Prof. Chaojun Yang, Dean of School of Foreign Languages. About300 postgraduates and faculty membersall around the world joined the lecture with interest and excitement.
Prof. Zoltán Kövecses, granted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, received his Ph.D. and D.Sc. from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in 1988 and 1996, respectively. He is currently working on thelanguage and conceptualization of emotions,cross-cultural variation in metaphor, and the issue of the relationship between language, mind, and culture from a cognitive linguistic perspective. He is one of the four editors of the international scholarly journal,Metaphor and Symbol, the co-editor ofCognitive Linguistic Studies,the associate editor ofCognitive Linguistics, and he also serves as the member of advisory board ofReview of Cognitive Linguistics.
Since ProfessorKövecsespublished his bookMetaphors of Angerin 1981, he reviewed the study of Anger during these fourty years.Based on the lexical approach and corpus-based approach, the research results are explored as follows:(1) ANGER IS THE HEAT OF FIRE; (2) ANGER IS THE HEAT OF FLUID IN A CONTAINER; (3) ANGER IS THE PRESSURE OF SUBSTANCE IN A CONTAINER;(4) ANGER IS INSANITY;(5) ANGER IS A DANGEROUS ANIMAL; (6) THE ANGRY PERSON IS A FUNCTIONING MACHINE (a few examples: push one’s buttons, tick off, wind up); (7) CAUSING ANGER IS TRESPASSING (only one example: step on one’s toes); (8) ANGER IS A BURDEN (only one example: have a chip on one’s shoulder); (9) ANGER IS A STORM (only one example: storm).
ProfessorKövecses’s series of these five lectures not only helps the audience to illustrate the “Anger” analysis in America in a more systematically and scientifically way in the last 40 years, but also gives them a penetrating insight of “Anger” analysis from the perspectives of lexical approach and corpus-based method. In a nutshell, ProfessorKövecseshas won a great deal of praise from teachers and students for his scientific frontiers and his witty personal charm. All the audience are looking forward to more exciting academic delivered by Professor Kövecses in the following days.