On the evening of April 12, the second course of the 2022Online Overseas Classorganized by the School of Foreign Languages was kicked off. Professor Nicolas Chrimes was invited to give a series of lectures on English culture. The course is expected to last for 8 weeks with 30 class hours in total.
Nicolas Chrimes is a former curator of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University. He is currently the principal consultant of the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the director of the Cambridge Research Institute, and a columnist for the Chinese Weekly. His bookCambridge: Treasure Island in the Fenswas published by SDX Joint Publishing Company in 2013.
Nicolas Chrimes has given speeches or worked as a guest professor at nearly 30 famous Chinese universities including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and Southwest Minzu University.
Associate Professor Lan Ding of the School of Foreign Languages presided over the first lecture. On behalf of the School, she first expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to Professor Chrimes and briefly introduced his research field and academic achievements. She encouraged students to bravely ask questions for learning more about English culture.
Professor Chrimes shared his own experiences in Britain and China. He also introduced various elements of British culture; social hierarchy, the definition of culture and the evolution of English words.
The first lecture looks interesting with vivid pictures. Professor Chrimes' humorous, cheerful and amiable personality left a deep impression on the audiences.
(Zeng Jiaqi )